Investigation Fundamentals
Based around a complex and real-world scenario that is provided in advance; this course explains how to investigate from intake through to report completion. Participants will learn what an investigation is and, just importantly, what an investigation is not. Instructors will help you to become familiar with the theory and case law behind each stage of an investigation. The course finishes with presenting your findings of an investigation to the class.
- Beginning to intermediate investigation practitioners
- Experienced investigators looking to refresh their practice
- This course is highly interactive so come prepared to engage and work with your classmates.
A state-of-the-art conference facility in Calgary, Alberta.
Session 1 – November 23-25, 2022
Session 2 – January 11-13, 2023
Early Bird – $900.00 for registrations purchased two weeks before session
Regular Pricing – $999.00 for registrations